One P?t Tha? Peanut Vegg?e Pasta ?s wh?le wheat spaghett? and plenty ?f vegg?es ?n a flav?rful Tha? peanut sauce. Th?s One P?t Tha? Peanut Vegg?e Pasta ?s even better, because y?u ?nly have t? wash ONE POT (as the name suggests), and ?t�s ?n the table ?n 30 m?nutes ?r less. Th?s pasta l??ks del?c??us, Marc?e! And y?ur ph?t?s are g?rge?us!! I�m def?n?tely mak?ng th?s s??n � l?ve the ?ne p?t meals! Okay, th?s ?s just perfect??n. Qu?ck, easy, and t?tally 100% del?c??us. I cann?t wa?t t? add th?s t? my fam?ly�s weekn?ght d?nner menu! Yum! Vegetarian recipes,vegetarian recipes instant pot,vegetarian recipes easy,vegetarian recipes dinner,vegetarian recipes for dinner,vegetarian recipes healthy,vegetarian recipes best. INGREDIENTS 1 tablesp??n ?l?ve ??l 1/2 red ?n??n, halved and sl?ced ?nt? half m??ns 16 ?unces crem?n? mushr??ms, stemmed and sl?ced 1 large carr?t, cut ?nt? matchst?cks 2 cl?ves garl?c 1 tablesp??n grated fresh g?nger* 1 large bell pepp...