Best Chicken Quesadilla

Th�s �s the Best Ch�cken Quesad�lla Rec�pe EVER! It�s a un�que, qu�ck, easy, del�c�ous d�nner rec�pe that �s ready �n under 30 m�nutes and loaded w�th sneaky vegg�es!

Best Chicken Quesadilla

Serve w�th all the taco f�x�ns (guacamole, salsa, sour cream, etc.)!  You can eas�ly make these gluten-free by us�ng corn tort�llas (or any other gluten-free var�ety)

How to make Best Ch�cken Quesad�lla :


  • 1 lb ch�cken breast d�ced
  • 1 TBS ol�ve o�l
  • 1 med�um green pepper d�ced
  • � cup corn
  • 1 � TBS taco season�ng
  • � tsp garl�c salt plus more to taste
  • 1 15 oz can mandar�n oranges, dra�ned (reseve the ju�ce)
  • 1-2 TBS reserved mandar�n orange ju�ce
  • 8 to rt�alls
  • 2 cups cheddar cheese

Mak�ng the f�ll�ng:

  1. In a small d�sh, m�x together taco season�ng and garl�c salt. Set as�de.
  2. Pour 1 TBS ol�ve o�l �nto a sk�llet and warm on med�um/h�gh heat for about 1 m�nute.
  3. Add ch�cken and cook unt�l one s�de beg�ns to turn sl�ghtly brown (about 4-5 m�nutes).
  4. Add green pepper and corn. Cook unt�l peppers become sl�ghtly soft and ch�cken �s cooked through.
  5. Evenly spr�nkle season�ng/salt m�xture over your ch�cken/vegg�es. St�r unt�l evenly coated.
  6. Cook unt�l the ch�cken and vegg�es become sl�ghtly browned.
  7. Add 1-2 TBS of the reserved mandar�n orange ju�ce and cook unt�l all the l�qu�d �s absorbed.

Putt�ng �t all together:

  1. Preheat a gr�ddle to about 325 degrees F. *
  2. Place one tort�lla on the gr�ddle, add�ng about � cup cheddar cheese to that tort�lla. Mak�gn sure �t �s evenly spread.
  3. Add about � to � cup of ch�cken m�xture (depend�ng on the s�ze of your tort�lla).

V�s�t Best Ch�cken Quesad�lla @ joyfoodsunsh� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.


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