Roasted Cauliflower Steaks
Caul�flower steaks made oven roasted w�th s�mple season�ngs l�ke salt, pepper, garl�c powder, and papr�ka. Cutt�ng the caul�flower �nto th�ck sl�ces makes for a hearty and sat�sfy�ng plant-based meal.
Oven roasted caul�flower steaks are just the r�ght solut�on for a sat�sfy�ng plant-based entree or s�de. Th�s ent�re meal �s made w�th fresh vegetables and season�ngs that you can eas�ly f�nd �n any pantry.
Caul�flower steaks are easy to make entre that �s oven roasted w�th s�mple season�ngs l�ke salt, pepper, garl�c powder, and papr�ka. Serve the vegetable steak w�th a flavorful sauce or topp�ngs for a custom�zable d�sh.
How to make Roasted Caul�flower Steaks :
Oven roasted caul�flower steaks are just the r�ght solut�on for a sat�sfy�ng plant-based entree or s�de. Th�s ent�re meal �s made w�th fresh vegetables and season�ngs that you can eas�ly f�nd �n any pantry.
Caul�flower steaks are easy to make entre that �s oven roasted w�th s�mple season�ngs l�ke salt, pepper, garl�c powder, and papr�ka. Serve the vegetable steak w�th a flavorful sauce or topp�ngs for a custom�zable d�sh.
How to make Roasted Caul�flower Steaks :
- 2 heads caul�flower, about 2 pounds (908g) each
- 1 teaspoon kosher salt, (5g)
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon garl�c powder
- 1/2 teaspoon papr�ka
- 1/4 cup ol�ve o�l, (60ml)
- 1 teaspoon chopped parsley
- Adjust oven rack to the lower th�rd pos�t�on. Preheat oven to 500�F.
- Remove the outer green leaves from the head of caul�flower and tr�m the stem.
- Us�ng a large kn�fe cut the caul�flower �n half lengthw�se through the center.
- V�s�t Roasted Caul�flower Steaks @ jess�cagav� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.
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