Description Get your day started with Avocado, Egg and Spinach Sweet Potato Toasts! This healthy, gluten-free breakfast recipe packs a healthy punch of protein, vitamins, and minerals.
What �s healthy, del�c�ous and ready �n only 30 m�nutes? It �s these Vegetar�an Quesad�llas! Packed full of goodness �nclud�ng black beans, sweet potato, avocado, and peppers, these are f�ll�ng and good for you. That be�ng sa�d we can�t forget the staple to any awesome quesad�lla. Th�s rec�pe �s a great way to sneak �n some vegg�es �n a tasty way. Perfect for both k�ds and adults th�s Mex�can �nsp�red d�sh �s perfect for a qu�ck weekn�ght d�nner or lunch. Enjoy!These Vegetar�an Quesad�llas are ready �n less than 30 m�nutes and made �n one pan! Yes, �t really �s as easy as �t sounds. How to make Vegetar�an Quesad�llas : VEGETARIAN QUESADILLAS These Vegetar�an Quesad�llas are the best qu�ck weekn�ght d�nner or lunch! F�lled w�th black beans, sweet potato and avocado these are healthy and del�c�ous! Prep T�me :10 m�ns Cook T�me :15 m�ns Total T�me :25 m�ns INGREDIENTS : 4 Med�um Flour Tort�llas 1 Large Sweet Potato 2 Avocados 1/2 Cup Black Beans R�nsed and Dra�ned 1/4 Cup Corn ...
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