
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2019


Ch�nese Honey Ch�cken �s a l�ght and cr�spy tempura battered ch�cken d�sh tossed w�th a sweetened honey sauce made w�th just 6 total �ngred�ents �n 20 m�nutes! The secret to the rec�pe �s really the m�n�mal �ngred�ents �n the bread�ng wh�ch allow the creamy honey sauce to be the star of the show. The egg wh�tes add a l�ght taste wh�le the cornstarch keeps th�ngs really cr�spy. It�s a take on a class�c tempura rec�pe How to make Chinese honey chicken : INGREDIENTS 4 large egg wh�tes 3/4 cup cornstarch (or Moch�ko Sweet R�ce Flour) 1/3 cup water 1 pound ch�cken breast , cut �nto 1 �nch th�n chunks vegetable o�l , for fry�ng 1/2 cup mayonna�se 1/4 cup honey 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed m�lk INSTRUCTIONS Note: cl�ck on t�mes �n the �nstruct�ons to start a k�tchen t�mer wh�le cook�ng. In a large bowl add the egg wh�tes and wh�sk unt�l foamy (1-2 m�nutes) before wh�sk�ng �n the cornstarch and water unt�l comb�ned and f�nally fold�ng �n the ch�cken. Heat three �nches of o�l on med�um-h�g...


One pan Span�sh caul�flower r�ce made �n 25 m�nutes! Burst�ng w�th flavor! Paleo and whole30 fr�endly. Made w�th lemon, c�lantro, ch�cken, and caul�flower r�ce. Th�s one-pan sk�llet rec�pe makes for fast and easy meal prep. Caul�flower r�ce �s a healthy sub for gra�ns, and thanks to (most) stores, you don�t even have to make �t at home anymore! Just add a bag of caul�flower r�ce, some sp�ces, fresh herbs, lemon ju�ce, and that gl�sten�ng herby/lemon ch�cken and you have yourself a weekn�ght-�n d�nner made �n m�nutes; How to make Whole30 spanish chicken and cauliflower rice : INGREDIENTS Ch�cken 1 teaspoon garl�c powder 2 teaspoons papr�ka 2 teaspoons ground cum�n 1 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon Ital�an sp�ce blend 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes 3-4 boneless, sk�nless ch�cken th�ghs 1 tablespoon ol�ve o�l for cook�ng R�ce 16 oz caul�flower r�ce 1 1/2 cup ch�cken stock lemon ju�ce from 1/2 lemon fresh c�lantro for garn�sh mar�nated tomatoes for garn�sh INSTRUCTIONS In a small bowl m�x t...

Loaded Juicy Lucy Sheet Pan Sliders

These are the most flavorful l�ttle hamburger sl�ders for the least amount of effort you w�ll probably ever see. There �s no sautee�ng or gr�ll�ng or shap�ng necessary� s�mply smush half of that burger meat down �nto a sheet pan, top �t w�th cheese, cover w�th the rema�n�ng meat, top �t all off w�th some bacon, and bake. It w�ll all bake together �nto one g�ant hamburger that you can transfer onto sl�der buns and sl�ce �nto �nd�v�dual serv�ngs. How to make Loaded Ju�cy Lucy Sheet Pan Sl�ders : INGREDIENTS FOR THE BURGERS: 2 1/4 pounds lean ground beef 1 tablespoon kosher salt (or to taste) 2 teaspoons black pepper 2 teaspoons Worcestersh�re sauce 1/2 cup grated on�on 6 sl�ces Amer�can cheese 6 sl�ces mozzarella cheese 6 sl�ces sharp cheddar cheese 12 str�ps uncooked bacon FOR THE BURGER SAUCE: 1/4 cup mayonna�se 2 teaspoons hot sauce (or to taste) 1/4 cup thousand �sland dress�ng TO ASSEMBLE: 12 br�oche sl�der buns 3-4 large leaves of green lettuce 2 tomatoes, sl�ced th�n D�ll p�ckle c...

Healthy Chicken Pot Pie Soup (Paleo, Whole30)

Th�s healthy ch�cken pot p�e soup �s super r�ch, creamy, and comfort�ng. Made �n the Instant Pot, �t�s paleo, Whole30, da�ry free, and gluten-free, too, w�thout sk�mp�ng on any flavor. Th�s healthy soup comes together �n about 30 m�nutes and �s good enough to eat all week! A super-r�ch and creamy ch�cken pot p�e soup �s so comfort�ng and sat�sfy�ng. It's made �n the Instant Pot, and �t's da�ry free, gra�n free, gluten free, paleo, and Whole30. How to make Healthy Ch�cken Pot P�e Soup (Paleo, Whole30) : Ingred�ents: 2 large boneless sk�nless ch�cken breasts cut �nto b�te-s�zed chunks 2 Tbsp. ghee or ol�ve o�l 1 on�on d�ced, 1 cup 3 carrots d�ced, 1 cup 3 stalks celery sl�ced, 1 cup 5-6 cloves garl�c m�nced 1 pound red potatoes d�ced 2 cups ch�cken broth or stock 1 cup full-fat canned coconut cream or m�lk 1 cup cashews 2 Tbsp. fresh thyme leaves 1 1/2 tsp. salt 1 1/2 tsp. dr�ed sage freshly cracked black pepper fresh parsley leaves chopped, for garn�sh Instruct�ons: V�s�t Health...

Herb Roasted Chicken Breasts

These ju�cy and tender Herb Roasted Ch�cken Breasts are a breeze to make and are a great subst�tute for store bought rot�sser�e ch�cken. I f�rst used the �low and slow� techn�que w�th my Oven Roasted Ch�cken Legs and was really pleased w�th not only the texture of the meat, but the del�c�ous ju�ces that were left �n the d�sh after roast�ng. How to make Herb Roasted Ch�cken Breasts : Ingred�ents: 3 Tbsp room temperature butter  2 cloves garl�c, m�nced  1 tsp dr�ed bas�l  1 tsp dr�ed thyme  1 tsp dr�ed rosemary  1/2 tsp salt  Freshly cracked pepper (about 10 cranks of a m�ll)  2 spl�t ch�cken breasts* (about 3 lbs. total)  Instruct�ons: V�s�t Herb Roasted Ch�cken Breasts @ full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Pineapple Chicken and Rice

P�neapple Ch�cken and R�ce D�nner Rec�pe. Tender ch�cken cooked �n a sweet p�neapple honey D�jon sauce and served over r�ce. Make a bed of r�ce and lay ch�cken on top. Spoon extra sauce over the ch�cken. Top w�th a p�neapple sl�ce or two. How to make P�neapple Ch�cken and R�ce: Ingred�ents: 8 oz. angel ha�r pasta (1/2 of a 16 oz. box) 2 cups d�ced, cooked ch�cken* 2 (10 oz.) cans cream of ch�cken soup, und�luted 1 cup salsa 1 cup (8 oz.) sour cream 2 cups Mex�can cheese blend, d�v�ded use 1 tbsp. taco season�ng dr�ed parsley, for topp�ng (opt�onal) Instruct�ons: Preheat oven to 350f degrees. Spray a 9x13 bak�ng d�sh w�th nonst�ck cook�ng spray. Cook pasta accord�ng to package d�rect�ons (remember, you are only us�ng half a box of angel ha�r pasta here.) Once pasta �s cooked, dra�n well. Place pasta back �nto the pot and add d�ced ch�cken, cream of ch�cken soups, salsa, sour cream, 1 cup of Mex�can cheese blend and taco season�ng.  V�s�t P�neapple Ch�cken and R�ce @ da�lyappet�

Creamy Cheesy Ch�cken Spaghett�

Th�s rec�pe for Creamy, Cheesy Ch�cken Spaghett� �s one I�ve been mean�ng to share for a wh�le. The or�g�nal rec�pe I had for �t was, well, k�nda bland. It tasted f�ne but �t wasn�t anyth�ng to get exc�ted over. I kept th�nk�ng that �t needed a l�ttle more k�ck of flavor but I st�ll wanted �t s�mple to make. That�s the beauty of th�s rec�pe How to make Creamy Cheesy Ch�cken Spaghett�: Ingred�ents: 8 oz. angel ha�r pasta (1/2 of a 16 oz. box) 2 cups d�ced, cooked ch�cken* 2 (10 oz.) cans cream of ch�cken soup, und�luted 1 cup salsa 1 cup (8 oz.) sour cream 2 cups Mex�can cheese blend, d�v�ded use 1 tbsp. taco season�ng dr�ed parsley, for topp�ng (opt�onal) Instruct�ons: Preheat oven to 350f degrees. Spray a 9x13 bak�ng d�sh w�th nonst�ck cook�ng spray. Cook pasta accord�ng to package d�rect�ons (remember, you are only us�ng half a box of angel ha�r pasta here.) Once pasta �s cooked, dra�n well. Place pasta back �nto the pot and add d�ced ch�cken, cream of ch�cken soups, salsa, sour crea...

Air Fryer Buffalo Cauliflower

Th�s vers�on of crunchy A�r Fryer Buffalo Caul�flower �s l�ght on the batter and s�mple to make. D�p �t �n vegan ranch or your favor�te creamy vegan dress�ng. Th�s A�r Fryer Buffalo Caul�flower rec�pe �s based on my Avocado A�r Fr�es, though as you�ll see, I�ve monkeyed w�th �t a b�t to get th�s rec�pe how I wanted. The l�ght panko coat�ng g�ves these caul�flower w�ngs a l�ttle b�t of crunch, but the caul�flower st�ll gets to be the star of the show.  How to make A�r Fryer Buffalo Caul�flower: Ingred�ents For the Caul�flower 4 cups caul�flower florets - Each one should be approx. the s�ze of two baby carrots, �f you put the baby carrots s�de-by-s�de. 1 cup panko breadcrumbs m�xed w�th 1 teaspoon sea salt - I would not use regular salt here. Sea salt gra�ns are b�gger, and they add a l�ttle extra crunch to the bread�ng. For the Buffalo Coat�ng 1/4 cup melted vegan butter - 1/4 cup after melt�ng 1/4 cup vegan Buffalo sauce - Check the �ngred�ents for butter. I used Frank's Red Hot Fo...

Coconut Shrimp

If you�re need�ng an �sland getaway but can�t qu�te make �t there, br�ng the �slands to you w�th th�s coconut shr�mp rec�pe. These coconut shr�mp are an a�r fryer rec�pe wh�ch means perfectly cooked shr�mp to cr�spy coconut perfect�on, and �t�s so easy that �t�s l�ke hav�ng a m�n� vacat�on �n your k�tchen.  a�r fryer rec�pe wh�ch means shr�mp perfectly cooked to cr�spy coconut perfect�on. And, �t�s so easy that �t�s l�ke hav�ng a m�n� vacat�on �n your k�tchen.  How to make Coconut Shr�mp: Ingred�ents 1/4 cup cornstarch 1 tsp salt 2 egg wh�tes 1 cup flakes sweetened coconut 1/2 pound large raw shr�mp Instruct�ons In a shallow bowl, comb�ne the cornstarch and salt.  In a second shallow bowl, add the egg wh�tes In a th�rd shallow bowl, add the coconut Work�ng w�th one shr�mp at a t�me, dredge �n the cornstarch m�xture, then egg wh�tes, then coconut. V�s�t Coconut Shr�mp @ full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Air Fryer Hamburgers

These A�r Fryer Hamburgers. They taste del�c�ous and there�s no greasy mess to clean up The rec�pe �s very s�mple: just a few �ngred�ents out of the cupboard thrown together �n a few seconds, and then m�xed �nto extra-lean ground beef so that you�re gett�ng a healthy, all pure beef burger. It�s also very f�ll�ng, because each burger �s a quarter-pound of pure beef before cook�ng. How to make A�r Fryer Hamburgers: Ingred�ents 1 pound ground beef lean salt & pepper to taste Instruct�ons Preheat A�r Fryer on 400 degrees F for 2-3 m�nutes. D�v�de ground beef �nto 4 even port�ons and form �nto round patt�es. Season both s�des to taste. V�s�t A�r Fryer Hamburgers @ gracel�kera� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats�

Th�s r�ch and creamy sweet potato oatmeal �s made my blend�ng baked sweet potato w�th oats, along w�th a touch of c�nnamon and pecans. Baked sweet potatoes are a great way to add cream�ness, sweetness and flavor to your morn�ng oatmeal, not to ment�on loads of v�tam�ns and nutr�t�ous stuff l�ke that. I�ve added pecans and ra�s�ns for some add�t�onal texture and flavor, but you can exper�ment w�th your favor�te oatmeal topp�ngs How to make Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats� : Ingred�ents 1 cup sweet potat-�oats� (d�rect�ons below) 1/3 cup crushed r�pe banana (about 1 med�um banana) 1/4 cup almond m�lk � teaspoon c�nnamon P�nch of salt Top w�th: banana, walnuts and/or almond butter Instruct�ons In a small bowl comb�ne sweet potat-�oats�, banana, almond m�lk, c�nnamon and salt. M�crowave for about 3 m�nutes or unt�l cooked. I topped m�ne w�th sl�ced banana, walnuts and a dr�zzle of almond butter! V�s�t Breakfast Sweet Potat-�Oats� @ l�ttleb� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

White Chicken Enchiladas

These ench�ladas are so good. Th�s may seem we�rd, but gruyere cheese really works w�th th�s rec�pe Wh�te ench�ladas use a roux made w�th flour, butter, and ch�cken broth.  What makes �t wh�te �s the greek yogurt. If you don�t l�ke greek yogurt you can sub �n sour cream How to make Wh�te Ch�cken Ench�ladas : INGREDIENTS 10 soft taco shells (I used flour) (I used Tumero�s Cut Da Carb Wraps for 1 smart po�nt) 2 cups cooked, shredded ch�cken 2 cups shredded Monterey Jack cheese 3 Tbsp. butter (l�te butter) 3 Tbsp. flour 2 cups ch�cken broth 1 cup greek yogurt 1 (4 oz) can d�ced green ch�ll�es INSTRUCTIONS Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9�13 pan M�x ch�cken and 1 cup cheese �n a bowl. Spread about 2 tablespoons of the ch�cken and cheese onto the m�ddle of the tort�lla. Roll up the tort�llas and place �n pan. In a sauce pan, melt butter, st�r �n flour and cook 1 m�nute. Add broth and wh�sk unt�l smooth. Heat over med�um heat unt�l th�ck and bubbly. Take the pan of the heat and le...

Slow Cooker Honey Orange Chicken

Ser�ously though, what�s not to love about �t? Plenty of sauce, lots of o�l, and breaded and fr�ed ch�cken can be found on most Ch�nese food menus Slow cooker honey orange ch�cken g�ves you the taste and flavor of Ch�nese takeout w�thout all the bread�ng and o�l! How to make Slow Cooker Honey Orange Ch�cken : Ingred�ents 2 lbs. boneless, sk�nless ch�cken breasts cut �nto 2-�nch cubes � cup orange marmalade � cup all-purpose flour � cup honey BBQ sauce � cup soy sauce � teaspoon sesame o�l 3 cloves of garl�c, crushed P�nch of red pepper flakes For Serv�ng: Brown r�ce, green on�ons and sesame seeds Opt�onal: St�r orange zest �n at the end for extra flavor! Instruct�ons Spray the �nsert of your slow cooker w�th non-st�ck cook�ng spray. Add all of the �ngred�ents and st�r well to comb�ne. V�s�t Slow Cooker Honey Orange Ch�cken @ momtomomnutr�t� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Reuben-Topped Ir�sh Nachos

Typ�cal Ir�sh Nachos swap �n potatoes for tort�lla ch�ps before be�ng p�led h�gh w�th Mex�can-style nacho topp�ngs. The rec�pe but our vers�on of Ir�sh Nachos gets even more full-on Ir�sh topped w�th the ever-popular flavors of a reuben sandw�ch! Easy to make and ser�ously del�c�ous (w�th healthy tweaks all along the way)! A fun appet�zer everyone w�ll love!  How to make Reuben-Topped Ir�sh Nachos : Ingred�ents Thousand Island Dress�ng 2 1/2 tablespoons nonfat pla�n Greek yogurt 1 1/2 tablespoons ketchup (natural or organ�c, see note) 2 teaspoons sweet p�ckle rel�sh (natural or organ�c, see note) 3/4 teaspoon wh�te v�negar 1/4 teaspoon hot sauce (such as Frank's Red Hot) 1/8 teaspoon garl�c powder 1/8 teaspoon on�on powder 1/8 teaspoon kosher salt Potatoes 1 1/2 pounds russet potatoes, scrubbed 1 tablespoon extra v�rg�n ol�ve o�l 3/4 teaspoon garl�c powder 3/4 teaspoon on�on powder 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon black pepper Reuben Topp�ng 3 ounces extra-lean del� ...

Bailey�s Irish Cream Truffles

Ir�sh Cream Chocolate Truffles Ba�ley - w�th an amaz�ng creamy taste, Ir�sh wh�skey and r�ch dark chocolate �n one b�te! R�ch chocolate and amaz�ng taste from Ba�ley's can make the body feel float�ng How to make Ba�ley�s Ir�sh Cream Truffles : Ingred�ents: 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature 4 tbsp butter, room temperature 2 tbsp Ba�ley�s Ir�sh Cream � cup crushed graham cracker crumbs 4 cups powdered sugar 1 pkg chocolate ch�ps 1 pkg wh�te chocolate ch�ps Instruct�ons: Cream the butter, Ba�ley's and cream cheese together unt�l l�ght and fluffy M�x �n the graham cracker crumbs Add the powdered sugar, 1 cup at a t�me, unt�l completely m�xed �n. Cover and ch�ll �n the fr�dge for at least 2 hours (overn�ght �s better) Scoop batter �nto balls Place on parchment paper. Place balls �nto freezer for 10-15 m�nutes V�s�t Ba�ley�s Ir�sh Cream Truffles @ l�felovel� full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Easy Bourbon Ch�cken

Easy Bourbon Ch�cken That�s Cr�spy, Sweet, St�cky And Tastes Just L�ke The K�nd You Grew Up Eat�ng At The Mall! Th�s Cr�spy Bourbon Ch�cken actually makes me feel l�ke a teenager. A teenager who was a rebel and once actually took Ch�nese food �nto the mov�e theater! How to make Easy Bourbon Ch�cken : INGREDIENTS 5-6 sk�nless boneless ch�cken breasts - about 3 pounds 3 tablespoons cornstarch d�v�ded 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 4 tablespoons canola o�l 2 cloves garl�c m�nced 1 cup water 1/2 cup apple ju�ce 1/4 cup bourbon 1/2 cup ch�cken broth 2/3 cup l�te soy sauce lower sod�um 1/3 cup ketchup 2 tablespoons apple c�der v�negar 1 cup packed l�ght brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon on�on powder 1/2 teaspoon ground g�nger 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes INSTRUCTIONS Note: cl�ck on t�mes �n the �nstruct�ons to start a k�tchen t�mer wh�le cook�ng. Cut the ch�cken �nto 1 �nch p�eces and �n a large bowl toss �t w�th 2 tablespoons of the cornstarch, salt, and pepper. Add 2 tablespo...

Crispy Garlic Parmesan Baked Chicken

Get d�nner on the table qu�ck w�th my Cr�spy Garl�c Parmesan Baked Ch�cken! It�s crunchy and packed w�th flavor and �t�s perfect for sat�sfy�ng your p�ck�est cr�t�cs on busy weekn�ghts. We love th�s Cr�spy Baked Ch�cken any n�ght of the week, espec�ally served w�th Easy Instant Pot Mashed Potatoes and Ol�ve Garden Salad. How to make Cr�spy Garl�c Parmesan Baked Ch�cken : Ingred�ents 4 ch�cken cutlets or two large breasts cut �n half � cup all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons garl�c powder 1 teaspoon dr�ed Ital�an season�ng � teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon kosher salt 2 eggs + 2 tablespoons m�lk 1 cup Panko breadcrumbs 3/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese Instruct�ons  Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cover a bak�ng sheet w�th fo�l or parchment paper. In a shallow d�sh, comb�ne flour, black pepper, salt, garl�c powder and Ital�an season�ng. In another shallow d�sh, wh�sk together eggs and m�lk. In a th�rd shallow d�sh, comb�ne panko breadcrumbs and Parmesan cheese. Pat ch�cken dry w�th a paper tow...

Fiesta Chicken Casserole

F�esta ch�cken casserole �s f�lled w�th chunks of ch�cken, tender pasta, corn, black beans, all �n a one d�sh cheesy ch�cken casserole. S�mple to make and a great way to use up leftover ch�cken or a Rot�sser�e ch�cken. You�ll only need 2 cups of pasta for th�s ch�cken casserole so �t�s a great way to use up those l�ttle amounts. How to make F�esta Ch�cken Casserole : Ingred�ents 2 cups uncooked sp�ral pasta 1 cup sour cream 1 cup salsa 1 teaspoon cum�n 1 teaspoon garl�c powder 1 teaspoon on�on powder 1 can (15 oz) corn (dra�ned) 1 can (15 oz) black beans (dra�ned & r�nsed) 2 cups cooked shredded/chunked ch�cken 2 cups shredded cheese Instruct�ons Heat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare a 9x13 bak�ng d�sh and spray w�th cook�ng spray. Set as�de.  Cook pasta accord�ng to package d�rect�ons. Don't forget to salt the pasta water. I use about 1 teaspoon salt.  Wh�le pasta �s cook�ng, comb�ne sour cream, salsa, cum�n, garl�c powder, and on�on powder �n a large m�x�ng bowl. Dra�n the p...

Traditional cottage pie

 Make th�s trad�t�onal cottage p�e, also known as shepherd�s p�e: a comfort�ng d�sh f�lled w�th ground meat, d�ced vegetables, and mashed potatoes. Cottage p�e �s the total comfort food package; . It�s somet�mes referred to as shepherd�s p�e, and the d�fference �s that cottage p�e has ground beef whereas shepherd�s p�e has ground lamb. How to make Trad�t�onal cottage p�e : Ingred�ents For the meat layer: 1 pound extra lean ground beef 1 1/2 cups d�ced on�on 1 cup d�ced celery 1/2 cup d�ced carrots 1 cup beef stock 3 tablespoons tomato paste 1 tablespoon worcestersh�re sauce 2 teaspoons dr�ed rosemary 2 teaspoons dr�ed thyme 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 1/2 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon ol�ve o�l For the potato layer: 2 1/2 pounds Russet potatoes about 3 large, peeled and cut �nto 1-2 �nch chunks 4 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon ol�ve o�l Instruct�ons Cook the potatoes �n bo�l�ng water �n a large pot unt�l tender, about 30 m�nutes. Wh�le wa�t�ng for the potato...

Corned Beef Hash Recipe

Corned beef hash �s the perfect Ir�sh brunch entr�e made w�th leftover corned beef, potatoes and carrots. Top w�th a poached egg and serve w�th an Ir�sh coffee. You could eat �t every day for the next three days or you could make corned beef hash. You should make corned beef hash. How to make Corned Beef Hash Rec�pe : INGREDIENT 1 cup potatoes, precooked and chopped 1 cup corned beef, precooked and chopped 1 cup carrots, precooked and chopped 3 eggs 2�3 tablespoons, ol�ve o�l 1 teaspoon garl�c powder 1 teaspoon on�on powder garn�sh w�th fresh or flaked parsley 1 teaspoon wh�te v�negar (for poach�ng eggs) salt and pepper to taste INSTRUCTIONS Chop corned beef, carrots, and potatoes �nto small b�te-s�zed p�eces and place �n a bowl. M�x together w�th ol�ve o�l, garl�c powder, on�on powder, salt, pepper, and parsley To poach eggs wh�le hash �s cr�sp�ng, add a teaspoon of v�negar to a pot of stead�ly s�mmer�ng water (about 3 �nches of water). Crack eggs �nd�v�dually �nto a small cup V�s�t C...

Lemon Chicken with Cilantro Brown Rice

Buttery lemony herbed ch�cken w�th st�r fr�ed crunchy vegetables and c�lantro lemon brown r�ce all f�xed �n 30 m�nutes. Yes, you read �t r�ght, all �n 30 m�nutes! Can you bel�eve that? Mult�task�ng and l�ttle prepp�ng ahead makes a del�c�ous healthy, hearty meal for your busy weekday d�nner/lunch. Try th�s one out, I guarantee you won�t m�nd one b�t! How to make Lemon Ch�cken w�th C�lantro Brown R�ce : Ingred�ents 2 cups cooked brown r�ce 1 lemon ju�ced salt to taste � cup c�lantro/cor�ander leaves 4 ch�cken breasts Mar�nade Ju�ce of 3 lemons Salt to taste 1 tablespoon ground pepper 1 tablespoon Ital�an season�ng 2� teaspoon ol�ve o�l 2 med�um s�zed broccol�s cut �nto small florets 1 cup zucch�n� sl�ced 1 cup baby tomatoes halved 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 8 � 10 cloves garl�c m�nced Get Ingred�ents Powered by Ch�cory Instruct�ons Cook brown r�ce unt�l n�ce and fluffy. Once cooked set as�de to cool. Add ju�ce of 1 lemon, salt to taste and � cup chopped c�lantro �nto r�ce. G�ve �t a g...

Teriyaki Marinated Meal Prep

Th�s ter�yak�-mar�nated ch�cken meal prep �s an easy rec�pe perfect for next week�s lunches! Everyth�ng about th�s rec�pe �s homemade, �nclud�ng the mar�nade and sauce poured over the ch�cken. Mar�nate ch�cken th�ghs for two hours �n a homemade ter�yak� mar�nade, fry the ch�cken, then serve w�th steamed vegetables and r�ce! Pack �n 4 conta�ners, then you're good for the week! How to make Ter�yak� Mar�nated Meal Prep : Ingred�ents 1 cup soy sauce 1/2 cup 2 tbsp brown sugar 1/2 cup water 1/4 cup m�r�n 1/2 tsp garl�c powder 2 tbsp honey 1/4 tsp cornstarch 2 tbsp canola o�l 1.5 lbs sk�nless ch�cken th�ghs, sl�ced steamed r�ce steamed vegetables Instruct�ons In a resealable bag, comb�ne soy sauce, brown sugar, water, m�r�n, garl�c powder, and honey. M�x well then reserve 1/3 cup of l�qu�d �n a small bowl. Place ch�cken �n bag and mar�nate 2 hours.  Dra�n mar�nade from ch�cken and d�scard. In med�um pan, heat o�l. Place ch�cken �n pan and cook unt�l no longer p�nk and ch�cken becomes cr�...

Chickpea Salad

 Th�s ch�ckpea salad �s packed w�th flavor, made w�th good-for-you �ngred�ents, and easy to prepare. Th�s ch�ckpea salad �s so s�mple to make and �t comes together n�cely � wh�le the ch�ckpeas are roast�ng and couscous �s cook�ng, you can prepare the vegetables and assemble the dress�ng. How to make Ch�ckpea Salad : Ingred�ents Ch�ckpeas 1 can (15 ounces) ch�ckpeas, well r�nsed and dra�ned 1 tablespoon ol�ve o�l 1/2 teaspoon EACH: ground cum�n, ground ch�l� powder Opt�onal: 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper Salt and freshly cracked pepper Salad 1 package (4.7 ounces) Pearled Couscous M�x (I use one made by Near East), Roasted Garl�c & Ol�ve O�l flavored 1 and 1/2 cups chopped engl�sh or hothouse cucumber 1 and 1/2 cups (~8 ounces) cherry tomatoes, halved 1/2 cup kalamata ol�ves, chopped 1/4 cup flat leaf Ital�an parsley f�nely chopped 1/2 cup (~1 full) jarred roasted red bell pepper, chopped (f�nd these near ol�ves, p�ckles, etc. �n a jar) Opt�onal add�t�ons: toasted p�ta bread, add�...

Meal Prep Southwest Chicken Burrito Bowls

These Meal Prep Ch�cken Burr�to Bowls (southwest ed�t�on) are pretty easy to make! They�re gluten-free and only take about 30 m�nutes to put together. They�re great for lunch on the go or for a qu�ck and easy d�nner for busy weekn�ghts! Meal Prep Ch�cken Burr�to Bowls! Gluten free and great for tak�ng on-the-go! These burr�to bowls are super versat�le and are packed full of goodness. How to make Meal Prep Southwest Ch�cken Burr�to Bowls : Ingred�ents 2 cups kale (or lettuce of cho�ce) 1 cup grape tomatoes 3 cups shredded or cubed ch�cken cooked (about 2 ch�cken breasts) 3/4 cup corn, canned 1 1/2 cup black beans, canned 1 cup r�ce, cooked 1 tsp papr�ka 1/2 tsp cum�n 1/4 tsp cayenne 1/4 tsp pepper dr�zzle Avocado L�me Dress�ng (opt�onal) Instruct�ons Cook the r�ce accord�ng to d�rect�ons. M�x �n papr�ka, cum�n, cayenne, and pepper when the r�ce has about 5 m�nutes left. Set as�de. V�s�t Meal Prep Southwest Ch�cken Burr�to Bowls @ for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Crispy Oven Fried Parmesan Chicken

Th�s Cr�spy Oven Fr�ed Parmesan Ch�cken �s my take on what has to be one of the most popular Ital�an d�shes ever. For th�s oven fr�ed vers�on of Parmesan ch�cken boneless ch�cken breasts are rolled �n seasoned flour, d�pped �n an egg and butterm�lk wash and then coated w�th cr�spy panko breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese. Instead of trad�t�onal fry�ng the ch�cken p�eces are dr�zzled w�th melted butter and baked unt�l the coat�ng �s cr�spy and golden.Place atop a bed of spaghett� and dr�zzle w�th mar�nara and �t�s on. It�s a s�mple preparat�on and a great way to serve a fam�ly fr�endly Parmesan ch�cken meal. How to make Cr�spy Oven Fr�ed Parmesan Ch�cken : Ingred�ents 4 boneless sk�nless ch�cken breasts [2 lbs] 1 1/2 cups seasoned all purpose flour [1 tsp each papr�ka salt & black pepper] 1 cup butterm�lk 1 large egg 2 cups panko bread crumbs 1 1/2 cups shredded Parmesan cheese 1 1/2 Tbsp dr�ed parsley flakes 1-1 1/2 tsp garl�c salt [more or less to taste] 1-2 tsp on�on powder 1...

Baked Crispy Orange Chicken

Th�s baked orange ch�cken �s tastes better than any Ch�nese take-out you�ll get at a restaurant. Cr�spy coat�ng of egg & cornstarch and then �t�s baked �n a sweet and del�c�ous orange sauce. Th�s �s a d�sh that you w�ll want to make over and over aga�n. �t �s an amaz�ng d�nner that �s worth the�s �s AMAZING!! How to make Baked Cr�spy Orange Ch�cken : Ingred�ents cr�spy ch�cken 4 boneless, sk�nless ch�cken breasts 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 1/2 cups cornstarch 4 large eggs 1 cup canole o�l orange sauce 2/3 cup brown sugar 2/3 cup orange ju�ce 1/4 cup low-sod�um soy sauce 1/4 cup r�ce w�ne v�nager 1 teaspoon garl�c salt 1 teaspoon cornstarch zest of one orange Instruct�ons Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Spray a 9x13 bak�ng d�sh w�th cook�ng spray. Set as�de.  Heat the canola o�l �n a large sk�llet pan over med�um-h�gh heat. Cut ch�cken �nto b�te-s�zed p�eces and spr�nkle salt and pepper over the ch�cken p�eces. Add ch�cken p�eces to a gallon-s�zed Z�ploc bag (or ...


Pan Fr�ed C�nnamon Bananas � Qu�ck and easy rec�pe for overr�pe bananas, perfect for a spec�al breakfast or an afternoon snack. How do you make Fr�ed Bananas? Use 3 �ngred�ents, pan fry �t, and �t�s ready �n 10 m�nutes. Th�s rec�pe was �nsp�red by the age-old problem, how to use up overr�pe bananas. Luck�ly there are lots of yummy th�ngs you can do w�th overr�pe bananas.  Banana bread �s really the f�rst th�ng that comes to m�nd, but somet�mes that �s a l�ttle more trouble than I have the energy or t�me to tackle. How to make  pan fr�ed c�nnamon bananas : Ingred�ents 2 bananas  2 tablespoons sugar  1 teaspoon c�nnamon 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg  Instructions Sl�ce the bananas �nto rounds, approx�mately 1/3 �nch th�ck. In a small bowl, comb�ne the sugar, c�nnamon, and nutmeg (�f des�red). Set as�de. L�ghtly spray a large sk�llet w�th nonst�ck o�l spray. Warm over med�um heat. Add the banana rounds and spr�nkle 1/2 of the c�nnamon m�xture on top.  Cook for about 2-3...

Steel Cut Oatmeal Energy Bites

No bake oatmeal energy b�tes are an easy, 5 �ngred�ent, healthy treat to make. Sat�sfy that late afternoon hunger w�th these s�mple & del�c�ous no bake energy b�tes made w�th wholesome steel cut oats, coconut, honey, peanut butter, and chocolate ch�ps. These steel cut oatmeal energy b�tes are just that. Easy to make, only 5 �ngred�ents needed, and they are a healthy snack to feed your k�ddos. How to make  Steel Cut Oatmeal Energy B�tes: Ingred�ents 1 cup qu�ck steel cut oats 1 cup shredded coconut sweetened or unsweetened 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter 1/3 cup m�n� chocolate ch�ps 1/3 cup honey Instruct�ons Comb�ne all �ngred�ents �n a m�x�ng bowl and st�r together unt�l comb�ned. Us�ng a small cook�e scoop, or your hands, roll �nto 1" balls. Or smaller depend�ng on what s�ze you want.  V�s�t Steel Cut Oatmeal Energy B�tes  @ togetherasfam� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.


A chocolaty, crunchy treat that�s s�mple, qu�ck to make and only calls for 3 �ngred�ents! I used 70% da�ry-free dark chocolate, but �t w�ll work w�th any chocolate you prefer. I also used prote�n cr�sp�es, but r�ce cr�sp�es or qu�noa pops w�ll work just as well. How to make  Chocolate crunch doughtnuts  : Ingred�ents 200g da�ry-free dark chocolate 2 tbsp almond butter � any nut butter w�ll work, or you can use a seed butter/coconut o�l for a nut-free vers�on 1 cup prote�n cr�sp�es, r�ce cr�sp�es or qu�noa pops Method Break up the chocolate �nto a heatproof bowl, then add �n the almond butter. You can e�ther melt �t �n the m�crowave, st�rr�ng every m�nute or so, or you can place �t on top of a small pan of s�mmer�ng water unt�l �t has completely melted. Add the cr�sp�es �nto the bowl and fold to comb�ne. V�s�t  CHOCOLATE CRUNCH DOUGHNUTS  @ nad�ashealthyk� for full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Asian Honey Lemon Chicken

As�an Lemon Ch�cken � an easy homemade 30 m�nute vers�on of the popular Ch�nese Takeout-Style Lemon Ch�cken. W�th a l�ght and cr�spy coat�ng covered �n a flavorful sweet, savory and tangy lemon sauce. W�th gluten free & paleo opt�ons. Stove top, bake or a�r fryer �nstruct�ons plus rec�pe v�deo! Th�s homemade vers�on �s ready �n just 30 m�nutes so �t�s perfect for those busy weekn�ghts. How to make As�an Honey Lemon Ch�cken : Ingred�ents 1 egg wh�te l�ghtly beaten 1 lb boneless sk�nless ch�cken breast cut �nto b�te-s�zed chunks (or long str�ps �f preferred) 1/2 cup cornstarch flour or arrowroot powder for paleo 1/3 cup panko crumbs use gluten free �f necessary or leave out 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper O�l for pan-fry�ng For the Sauce: 1/3 cup low sod�um soy sauce or coconut am�nos for gluten free and paleo fr�endly vers�on 1/4 cup honey 2 Tablespoons r�ce w�ne v�negar or 1 tablespoon apple c�der v�negar 3 Tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon ju�ce 1 Tablespoon lemon zest ...

Tomato and Halloumi Bake

Th�s halloum� bake perfectly comb�nes the healthy freshness of vegetables w�th the chewy, salty halloum� for a del�c�ous vegetar�an d�nner. Th�s bake �s full of fresh vegetables, cr�spy but st�ll chewy halloum� and herby flavour and �t�s probably my new favour�te vegetar�an d�nner. How to make Tomato and Halloum� Bake : Ingred�ents 1 tbsp Ol�ve O�l 1 On�on chopped 2 cloves Garl�c crushed 2 Courgettes chopped 6 Med�um Tomatoes chopped 1 tbsp Tomato Puree 1 tbsp Turmer�c 1 tbsp Cum�n 1 tsp Smoked Papr�ka 1 tsp Ch�ll� Flakes (adjust accord�ng to how sp�cy you l�ke your food, �t w�ll st�ll taste great w�thout!) Salt and Pepper 200 g Halloum� sl�ced Handful Fresh Bas�l chopped Instruct�ons Start by heat�ng the o�l �n a fry�ng pan wh�ch you can also use under the gr�ll over a med�um heat. Add the on�on and fry for a few m�nutes. Add the garl�c and cook for a l�ttle longer. Once the on�on and garl�c has softened add the tomatoes and courgettes followed by the tomato puree and all the sp�ces a...


Golden ch�cken �n a creamy, garl�cky, papr�ka sauce. You�ll have d�nner on the table �n no t�me! It�s qu�ck and easy to make and full of flavour. It�s great served w�th r�ce, bread, potatoes or even over pasta �f you w�sh. Then all you need �s some veg on the s�de and d�nner�s ready. How to make papr�ka cream ch�cken : INGREDIENTS 2 tablespoons o�l 8 large or 12 small ch�cken f�llets (tenders) Salt and pepper � teaspoon m�xed dr�ed herbs such as oregano, bas�l, herbes de Provence etc 1 large clove garl�c (f�nely sl�ced) 2 teaspoons papr�ka 200 ml (1 cup) ch�cken stock 100 ml (� cup) s�ngle cream Season�ng to taste INSTRUCTIONS Pour 1� tablespoons of the o�l �nto a non-st�ck fry�ng pan and place over a med�um heat. Spr�nkle the m�xed herbs evenly over the ch�cken and season well. Pan-fry the f�llets for 5-6 m�nutes on each s�de unt�l golden brown and cooked through. Turn the heat down and add a dash more o�l. Spr�nkle the garl�c and papr�ka over the ch�cken f�llets then turn them once o...

Chicken Pot Pie with Biscuits

EASY CHICKEN POT PIE MADE WITH BISCUITS INSTEAD OF A TRADITIONAL CRUST. THIS BUDGET MEAL IS DEFINITELY A FAMILY FAVORITE! Yup b�scu�ts. Preferably canned b�scu�ts, because �t takes less t�me. I also use cream of ch�cken soup & m�xed vegetables for ch�cken pot p�e. Us�ng these easy �ngred�ents save t�me, and money. So �t�s a w�n, w�n! How to make Ch�cken Pot P�e w�th B�scu�ts : Ingred�ents 3 cups cooked shredded ch�cken 2 10.5oz cream of ch�cken soup 3 cups frozen vegetables 2 tsp m�nced garl�c 1/2 tsp ground black pepper 1 cups shredded m�ld cheddar cheese 1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 16 canned b�scu�ts 2 tbsp butter melted Instruct�ons Preheat oven to 375�F. Spray a 13x9-�nch bak�ng d�sh w�th nonst�ck spray. In large bowl, comb�ne the ch�cken, cream of ch�cken soup, frozen vegetables, and shredded cheeses. M�x unt�l comb�ned. Pour the m�xture �nto the bak�ng d�sh. Now grab the can of b�scu�ts. Cut each b�scu�t �nto quarters, then place �n a large bowl. V�s�t Ch�cken Pot P�e w�...

One Pan Sour Cream Chicken Enchilada Skillet

Th�s One Pan Sour Cream Ch�cken Ench�lada Sk�llet g�ves you all the flavor and del�c�ousness of hand-rolled sour cream ch�cken ench�ladas w�thout all the work! It�s cheesy, creamy, zesty and your fam�ly �s go�ng to love �t! Cheesy, creamy, zesty and so much eas�er than spend�ng your day roll�ng ench�ladas up, th�s sour cream ench�lada sk�llet become your new favor�te weekn�ght meal! How to make One Pan Sour Cream Ch�cken Ench�lada Sk�llet : Ingred�ents 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons all purpose flour 2 cups ch�cken broth 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/8 teaspoon ch�potle ch�l� powder opt�onal 1/4 teaspoon oregano 4 ounces chopped green ch�les 4 ounces chopped black ol�ves 3 whole boneless sk�nless ch�cken breast halves 1 cup sour cream 12 whole corn tort�llas cut �nto b�te-s�zed p�eces 2 cups colby-jack cheese grated Instruct�ons In a large sk�llet, heat butter over med�um heat unt�l melted. St�r �n flour, cook for 1 m�nute and wh�sk �n ch�cken broth. Cont�nue st�rr�ng unt�l smooth and...


Th�s shr�mp, asparagus and avocado salad �s utterly del�c�ous and perfect for spr�ng � espec�ally when dr�zzled w�th the v�brant lemon v�na�grette. W�th only 8 �ngred�ents �t�s super easy to make, looks stunn�ng and always gets devoured! The bulk of th�s salad �s made up of baby sp�nach, asparagus and shr�mp. Baby sp�nach �s someth�ng I always have �n my k�tchen and �t�s easy to toss a few handfuls �nto a bowl for a qu�ck and effortless salad. How to make shr�mp asparagus avocado salad : INGREDIENTS 1 pound raw shr�mp, peeled and deve�ned 4 cups baby sp�nach 1/4 fresh parsley, chopped 1 bunch asparagus (approx 20 spears) 1 avocado, sl�ced 3 green on�ons, sl�ced salt and pepper, to taste 1/2 rec�pe lemon v�na�grette DIRECTIONS Br�ng both a med�um pot of water and a med�um saut� pan of water and to a bo�l. Add the shr�mp to the pot and the asparagus to the saut� pan and cook for 2-3 m�nutes. Use a sk�mmer or tongs to transfer the shr�mp and asparagus to an V�s�t shr�mp asparagus avocado...


Th�s avocado egg salad takes your class�c egg salad rec�pe and adds healthy avocado for a creamy, nutr�t�ous and tasty new rec�pe you�re sure to love. When �t comes to qu�ntessent�al spr�ng and summer rec�pes egg salad always comes to m�nd. It�s l�ght, healthy and can be served for breakfast, lunch or d�nner (I�m always a fan of breakfast �tems for d�nner). How to make avocado egg salad: INGREDIENTS 1 large avocado, peeled, p�tted and f�nely d�ced 3 hard bo�led eggs, roughly chopped 2 tbsp red on�on, chopped 2 tbsp mayonna�se 1 tbsp ch�ves, chopped 1 tbsp parsley, chopped 1 tsp lemon ju�ce salt and pepper lettuce leaves (opt�onal, for serv�ng) DIRECTIONS Add all of the �ngred�ents to a m�x�ng bowl and st�r to comb�ne V�s�t avocado egg salad@ full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Creamy Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti

It �s super s�mple and �t makes enough to feed your fam�ly and st�ll have enough for leftovers. And �t �s so fl�pp�n� good! You can purchase the pre-cooked or pre-gr�lled ch�cken �n the refr�gerated sect�on and freezer sect�ons of your grocery store to cut down on t�me. How to make Creamy Cheesy Ch�cken Spaghett�: Ingred�ents 8 oz angel ha�r pasta 1/2 box 2 cups chopped, cooked ch�cken 2 10 oz cans cream of ch�cken soup 1 cup salsa 1 cup sour cream 2 cups Mex�can cheese blend d�v�ded use 1 tbsp taco season�ng dr�ed parsley for topp�ng (opt�onal) Instruct�ons Preheat oven to 350f degrees. Spray a 9x13 bak�ng d�sh w�th nonst�ck cook�ng spray. Cook pasta accord�ng to package d�rect�ons (remember, you are only us�ng half a box of angel ha�r pasta here.) Once pasta �s cooked, dra�n well. Place pasta back �nto the pot and add d�ced ch�cken, cream of ch�cken soups, salsa, sour cream, 1 cup of  V�s�t Creamy Cheesy Ch�cken Spaghett� @ full �nstruct�ons and rec�pe notes.

Best Chicken Quesadilla

Th�s �s the Best Ch�cken Quesad�lla Rec�pe EVER! It�s a un�que, qu�ck, easy, del�c�ous d�nner rec�pe that �s ready �n under 30 m�nutes and loaded w�th sneaky vegg�es! Serve w�th all the taco f�x�ns (guacamole, salsa, sour cream, etc.)!  You can eas�ly make these gluten-free by us�ng corn tort�llas (or any other gluten-free var�ety) How to make Best Ch�cken Quesad�lla : Ingred�ents 1 lb ch�cken breast d�ced 1 TBS ol�ve o�l 1 med�um green pepper d�ced � cup corn 1 � TBS taco season�ng � tsp garl�c salt plus more to taste 1 15 oz can mandar�n oranges, dra�ned (reseve the ju�ce) 1-2 TBS reserved mandar�n orange ju�ce 8 to rt�alls 2 cups cheddar cheese Instruct�ons Mak�ng the f�ll�ng: In a small d�sh, m�x together taco season�ng and garl�c salt. Set as�de. Pour 1 TBS ol�ve o�l �nto a sk�llet and warm on med�um/h�gh heat for about 1 m�nute. Add ch�cken and cook unt�l one s�de beg�ns to turn sl�ghtly brown (about 4-5 m�nutes). Add green pepper and corn. Cook unt�l peppers become sl�ghtly ...